Regulatory training

Mastery is not an option, it's our guarantee

Onboarding: Go from The information To the transformation!

Some subjects are too sensitive to tolerate almost anything. Didask provides you with effective regulatory training... in e-learning!

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The unique platform to pilot all your eLearning effectively

Author tool with integrated Pedagogical artificial intelligence
Revolutionary and personalized learning experience with adaptive learning
Easy distribution and administration on the Didask platform or your LMS

Train better, protect your organization!

Compliance, anti-corruption, security, social law... Exposing to regulatory information or documents will never allow your teams to master what matters most. With the Didask interactive learning experience, you create a real transformation!
Jeune fille devant sa formation elearning avec un dessin au dessus de deux personnes se parlant avec un cerveau et un loupe au dessus. La plateforme utilise les bonnes modalités pédagogiques pour développer une capacité d'analyse

Much more than memorization...

Having good knowledge is not enough. Selected by our researchers in cognitive sciences, the teaching methods allow your learners to memorize but above all to develop an analytical capacity to apply with discernment in the field.

Adapt to the needs of each learner

Depending on the missions, not everyone is exposed to the same levels of risks or in the same contexts. No more unique formations that don't speak to the majority, with Didask you customize easily the experience according to the needs of each.

dessin d'une personne devant son ordinateur avec plusieurs chemins possibles à faire qui sont personnalisable selon ses envies (sujet, durée, temps passé sur un sujet,...). Le lms a de l'adaptive learning
Mains tapant sur un clavier d'ordinateur avec des dessins un module sur le lms didask qui apprend à deux personnes à mieux communiquer

Transformer The behaviors

With Didask, the essential concepts are staged in realistic dilemmas, such as those experienced by your employees on a daily basis. Complexity is treated in a logic of trial-error-feedback that is benevolent and extremely effective!

Observe The progress

You finely measure the progress of your employees and our smart analytics formulate you recommendations for improvements. Of course, you have everything you need to manage your groups, invitations, reminders, face-to-face sessions...

Femme devant son ordinateur avec des dessin de la plateforme montrant des smart analytics qui formulent des améliorations de vos elearning et l'essentiel pour gérer vos groupes, rappels,....

The eLearning solution the most efficient

Learning Transformation Platform
Classic LMS & LXP
Module design time
1h30 all inclusive
Pedagogical AI
Selection according to goals
15 hours excluding briefing and fitness
Educational engineers, dedicated agencies
Commitment, completion
By everyone
“machine learning”: same modality everywhere
Absent or simple generation of text content
Pedagogical modalities
Artificial intelligence
Observable impact and ROI
didask lms adaptive learning intelligence artificielle pedagogique témoignage
photo de Delphine Bernard de chez Suez client Didask
Delphine Bernard
Ethics & Compliance Director
Client de Didask adaptive learning - Logo Suez
I like the way of learning based on practical cases, which is very interactive. I find this way of learning more effective and fun than what was offered in the past, with long explanations and only a short quiz as an application.
didask lms formation elearning ia intelligence artificielle pedagogique
didask lms plateforme elearning en extension à votre lms

Onboarding white paper
No problem, Didask also works as an extension. Enough to make your LMS even more efficient without changing it!

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didask lms plateforme elearning en extension à votre lms
White paper

The LMS is dead, Long live the Learning Transformation Platform!

Discover the 3th generation of eLearning platforms that is about to change the situation! Based on the recommendations of cognitive science research, the Didask Learning Transformation Platform opens up new perspectives for online learning and offers more rewarding and impacting skills development opportunities, ROI in turn.

Only available in french.

Download the white paper