Train in relational skills in digital learning

Our white papers

Digitalization of training, pedagogy, sustainable learning, cognitive sciences... Discover the guides written by our experts to strengthen your eLearning strategy!
Our white papers are available only in french for now, we are working on it!
didask lms livre blanc comment créer 10x plus vite des formations vraiment efficaces avec l'IA pédagogique
white paper

The LMS is dead, long live the Learning Transformation Platform!

Discover the 3rd generation of eLearning platforms that is about to change the game! Based on the recommendations of cognitive science research, The Didask Learning Transformation Platform opens new perspectives for learning online and offers more rewarding and impacting skills development opportunities, ROI in the key.

In this white paper you will find:
- How LTP is redefining eLearning standards through cognitive science and educational AI
- How it creates a revolutionary learning experience
- How it measures the increase in learners' skills, and the ROI for the organization
- How it makes it easy to create compelling modules

Download the white paper

And also a “real” book!

Find all of our best practices based on cognitive science research in our book “All pedagogues!” , published by Foucher editions.

Accessible to all, this pragmatic book gives you methods and recommendations operational/applicable in the majority of situations where one must ensure transmission, build a pedagogical sequence, present information clearly or even animate activities.

All Didask pedagogues digital learning training